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We would like to get to know you! Your answers to these questions will help us to make the best possible match with a Boston area host and to plan a week of exciting and fun opportunities for you! Please answer every question. We would suggest that you type your answers in a word processor like Microsoft Word then paste it into the box below. You may also choose to upload a DOC or PDF file instead. There are no right or wrong answers. This is your chance to tell us something about YOU! Write as much or as little as you would like. If writing isn’t your thing, feel free to send us copies of your artwork, photos, videos, etc. that can speak to the questions below:
Tell us about yourself, your family and your community.
What are you most proud of?
Have you traveled off the reservation? If so, where did you go? What was the trip like for you? What did you like best and least about your trip?
What things do you like/dislike?
What are your goals for participating in the YouthStay program?
What are your strongest characteristics?
Is there anything you’d like to change about yourself? If so, what would you like to change?
Why would you like to participate in the YouthStay program?
What are your plans and dreams for the future?
How would you share the Lakota YouthStay experience with others?
Is there anything else that you would like us to know about you?
How did you hear about the Lakota YouthStay program?
Type or paste your personal statement here:
Or, upload your personal statement:
Max. file size: 100 MB.
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