2018 Tipi-Raising & Painting Art Project Participants

Meet the Event Facilitators!!

Lakota Cultural presenters

Darrell Red Cloud

Darrell Red Cloud is the 5th Blood Descendent of the great Lakota Chief RED CLOUD of the Oglala Lakota people.  Darrell is an Educator and Instructor at Oglala Lakota College on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota, a National Park Ranger at Mount Rushmore National Memorial and a Lakota Cultural Presenter at the Smithsonian Native Ways Youth Camps.



Dawn Arkinson Red Cloud

Dawn M. Arkinson-Red Cloud – (Chippewa-Cree, Blackfeet, and Nakota)  Dawn is a Beadwork artist of the Northern Great Plains region and is a traditional Lakota arts instructor at Oglala Lakota College.  She is a summer camp instructor/cultural presenter at Smithsonian Institute Native Ways Youth Camps and a Northern Women’s Traditional Pow-wow dancer

Native Artist – Lucy Foronda Dirksen

Lucy Dirksen is a DC Native illustrator, jewelry designer, and art teacher for Kindergarten-8th grade at St. Mary’s Landover Hills, MD. Her current watercolor project is a children’s book: Patches and the Baby Bunny, by Cathy D. Knepper, Ph.D. Her website is www.lfdstudios.com.