Support Lakota Youthstay
Thanks for supporting Lakota YouthStay!!
We are a small, 100% volunteer community organization that relies on donations, sponsorships and fundraising events to bring the YouthStay program to life each year. We are grateful for all donations, large and small, that help us to create cultural exchanges, develop wonderful friendships and learn about each other in a safe, fun and educational environment. We especially appreciate monthly or yearly recurring donations! Please consider joining us in this endeavor by making a donation to the Lakota YouthStay program today! Donations may also be made via Venmo @lakotayouthstay or by check. 100% of your donation will go directly to the Lakota YouthStay program. Pilamaye!

Thanks to Our Supporters
With deep gratitude, we would like to thank the following people who give their time, energy, advice, talents and, most importantly, heart.
Christy Webber
Tosa Two Heart
Iris Gay
Paula Sibal
Ted Skantze
Cory True
Dakota High Hawk
Shannon Freed
Kaity Spider
Victoria Fermino
May Marquebreuck
The Densford Fund, Riverside Church
Carvina Williams
Sarah Montoya
Charlene Carle
Mashpee Wampanoag Youth Council
Desiree Hendricks Moreno
Larry Brown
Stephanie Muccini Burke
Allie Fiske
Kate and Rob Yeomans
Michael Behrendt
Naomi Kornhauser
Dr. Dennis Norman
Grace Episcopal Church
Neighbors In Need Fund
Jeff Buxbaum
New England Aquarium
Celia Lee
Dan Lasko
Joe Luongo
Julie Roberts
Susan D’Arcy Fuller
Deb DiScuillo
Susan Fairchild
Joe Rancatore
Tom Lincoln
Elizabeth Schaeffer & Rob Crooks
Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum
Emmons Cobb
Ranc’s Ice Cream
Susan and Enno Becker
Pamela Massey Oldham
Heather Leavell
Dallin Museum
Arts Alive Medford
Kathy Williams
John Austin & Mara Kroeger
Darrell Red Cloud
Dawn Arkinson Red Cloud
Lucy Dirksen
Adam Chaprnka
Jordan Boys & Girls Club
Jennifer Himmerlreich
Peabody Essex Museum
West Medford Community Center
Oglala Lakota College